Wednesday, May 28, 2008


在同事的Farewell卡上施展了執筆忘字最高境界 - 串錯自己個名

Sunday, May 25, 2008


written a bit more than 10 years ago, still relevent
曲:郭達年 詞:郭達年

世界唔好 社會離譜 雷公 劈啲癲佬
經濟唔好 政制離譜 雷公 劈啲傻佬

鄉下細路無書讀 學校爛到塌落地
首都高官挖私利 億元落袋遠處飛
農村失收無飯食 都會夜夜笙歌
城市炒賣玩暴發 幹部狂噬刷爆咭

呢頭話落後 要人鎮災救濟嫌唔夠
個頭扮造步 Cheap租火箭甩繩馬騮
一面話開放 拉人坐監審完無理講
一面話改革 翻嚟覆去越搞越猖狂

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

TTC 顛佬

在繁忙時間搭TTC遇上一個手拿一大桶天拿水 (重點!), Hi嘢 Hi 到口水鼻涕長流 (Literally 長流果隻)的顛佬。心中暗叫不妙,腦海登時出現天拿水焚人/車的畫面,嚇得急急離開車廂。


Saturday, April 26, 2008

TTC Strike

TTC strike again! Making $25+ / hr doing nothing but collecting tokens + all the benefits and perks.

If only the TTC management and politicians have the gut of Reagan.

On August 3, 1981 nearly 13,000 of the 17,500 members of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) walked off the job, hoping to disrupt the nation's transportation system to the extent that the federal government would accede to its demands for higher wages, a shorter work week, and better retirement benefits. At a press conference in the White House Rose Garden that same day, President Reagan responded with a stern ultimatum: The strikers were to return to work within 48 hours or face termination. As federal employees the controllers were violating the no-strike clause of their employment contracts....Over 11,000 strikers received their pink slips, while 1,200 went back to work within a week's time..."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I made it!

...completed the CN Tower Climb without passing out :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Exam 前兩日病倒了。 咳了兩星期咳得變成「0靚坤聲」也還未好轉,苦也!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


四月流流仲係-3°C ("feels like -10")。

點解天氣好似太監0甘? (四季 - 夏秋冬?)

Monday, March 10, 2008


大哥家裡添了個BB女, 我榮升三姑啦!

(未經BB父母同意, 不可 Upload BB相...不過我都係得一張0甘大把。 BB老豆快0的影0的相俾大家睇啦 :)

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Here are some photos taken after the 36 hour-ish snowstorm:

Backyard - the tree was half-buried

I took a picture of dad before we shovel the driveway. We managed to clear half of the driveway but our will to complete the task melted away as soon as we see the guy drove by - in a pickup with big shovel. Who would have thought the sound of truck engine can be that sweet :)

Snow piled up and obscured part of the window on first floor. The window was at least 5 feet from the ground.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Smokin' Office

公司樓頂鋪臘青防漏, 點知竟然有能本事搞到成間 Building 煙霧瀰漫, 由九樓標煙標到二樓兼傳來陣陣「火農」味。 最後仲搞到要疏散兩個鐘, 真係「超低能勁搞笑」。