Monday, March 10, 2008


大哥家裡添了個BB女, 我榮升三姑啦!

(未經BB父母同意, 不可 Upload BB相...不過我都係得一張0甘大把。 BB老豆快0的影0的相俾大家睇啦 :)

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Here are some photos taken after the 36 hour-ish snowstorm:

Backyard - the tree was half-buried

I took a picture of dad before we shovel the driveway. We managed to clear half of the driveway but our will to complete the task melted away as soon as we see the guy drove by - in a pickup with big shovel. Who would have thought the sound of truck engine can be that sweet :)

Snow piled up and obscured part of the window on first floor. The window was at least 5 feet from the ground.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Smokin' Office

公司樓頂鋪臘青防漏, 點知竟然有能本事搞到成間 Building 煙霧瀰漫, 由九樓標煙標到二樓兼傳來陣陣「火農」味。 最後仲搞到要疏散兩個鐘, 真係「超低能勁搞笑」。