Saturday, December 05, 2009


在屋企附近的小Boutique執到好嘢, 一條 Columbia褲只售$20, 抵到爛!

又話說老豆為我看中一件大衣, 著我試身。兩老看後頻呼「好cute好cute」, 不禁有點啼笑皆非, 心諗「我都一把年紀啦,你估我係老萊子咩...囧」

好在件大衣款式 Classic, 我諗我都仲 Carry到, 否則任兩老點讚我都唔會買!

(又: 有人讚都唔高興, 我有時都覺得自己好L煩)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

好 ● 熱

已經超過一個禮拜錄得30度以上高溫 , 對肥人如我者簡直係「心痛苦 比處死更難受」!

天氣咁熱 , 最開心莫過於「飲番杯冰啤凍酒」。不過每日一啤恐怕會令肚腩漲到可以虛報Mat Leave嘅萬劫不復之地 , 唯有忍口。慘!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


審計部查數時有不明之處, 原已約了有關 FA 查問, 但一時心急找了師兄攞料。湊巧 FA 路過於是把審計部的問題也問了。正要回座時剛好碰上審計頭頭: "I thought we are going to see the FA together." Sh*t, 跟師兄談得興起竟忘了要跟審計頭頭一起見 FA。

原先審計部的問題他們自己搞通了, 不過又有新的問題。當下結結巴巴的解答了幾遍, 雖然審計頭頭不大滿意, 但總算也收貨, 有驚無險。

故事教訓: 淡定有錢剩。

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009







不是逢"X化"皆膠, 偶然也有佳作:
"赤化" - 令人馬上聯想到血流成河的畫面。

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter long weekend

盛情難卻, 去了朋友的教會 Open House。

牧師是典型死光社人, 只對性議題有興趣, 社會公義隻字不提。又把進化論扭曲得面目全非來「證明」「人的偉大」。

這種沒水準的牧師非常趕客 :P


悶了一個上午後決定去 Hero Burger 試試。

評價: Premium 價錢, 不外如是。

看 Hero Burger 開到一街都係, 怕且都會步Krispy Kreme 後塵咯。

呢個 Weekend 真黑仔。

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Delay No More

This morning I need to get in office early to do month end stuff so I took the 6:28 am GO Train, and guess when it arrived at Union? 8:22am

40 min train ride turned into a 2 hr journey on my busiest day of the month. Lovely. (Yes I am psst)


I have subscribed to the Go Alert email so let's see what we get about these delay...

Email #1:

Richmond Hill passengers may expect a longer commute than usual this morning due to equipment issues in Richmond Hill. Please visit for updates.

This message was sent on: 4/7/2009 6:54 (am)

Email #2:

Richmond Hill train service is estimated to be delayed over 30 minutes due equipment issues. Update to follow.

This message was sent on: 4/7/2009 7:11 (am)

Email #3:

The equipment issue at Richmond Hill has been resolved. The Richmond Hill 07:28 - Union 08:10 train trip is estimated to be delayed 15 minutes from Richmond Hill and the Richmond Hill 07:58 - Union 08:40 train trip is expected to operate as scheduled. Please visit for updates.

This message was sent on: 4/7/2009 7:37 (am)


My thoughts:

1. My train was 6:28am and the first email alert wasn't sent until 6:54, almost 30 min after the fact. (They can argue that an alert will only be issued if the delay is 30min or more, but considered that I can reach downtown from RH in 30min if I drive on a traffic free day - the email alert doesn't sound too useful to me.)

2. The 6:28 train departed RH at 7:12 and reached Union at 8:22 am this morning, so can someone tell me how this is possible: "The Richmond Hill 07:28 - Union 08:10 train trip is estimated to be delayed 15 minutes from Richmond Hill" (Email #3).

3. There was nothing in the bulletin board or the Go Alert saying how long it took the 6:28 train to reach Union. I would love to see if they will include this delay in the statistics at all, or if they will just play the number game (how many times of >15 min delay, so this is only one count; and as Email #3 indicated, even their statistics for the duration of delay is questionable).

4. GO has increased their fare every year and I don't see much improvement in their services.

5. Almost Every train trip are 5-10 minutes late and they won't include those "minor" delays in their statistics.

GO Train, stop calling yourself environmentally friendly - You are not. People drive to work because of your incompetence.

Friday, March 27, 2009

痴線事件簿 - 電話

如常在家使用電話交費 ---
"9" - (以為自己在公司, 用9打街線)
"1" - (1800 電話)
"1" - (手震, 打多左個1)

電話通左, "This is the police station...."


Sorry一輪後對方說, "Nonetheless, the police needs to come by to make sure you are ok."
於是面懵懵地迎接差人哥哥 >_<
