Friday, August 27, 2010

Super duper Chinese input tool

Just bought a new laptop with Win 7 on it. I have to say I miss Win XP for the most part but the thing that most frustrated me about Win 7 is the Chinese keyboard input (han yu pin yin).

In XP, all I have to do is toggle to Chinese keyboard, start typing, and choose from the drop down list for the character needed. But in Win 7, I couldn't even get the drop down list to appear until I found instructions from Pinyin Joe's website

With the new operating system, user has to key [space bar] and [down arrow] for almost every character. This would be such a waste of time that I may as well forget about typing Chinese altogether. I need an alternative.

Looking further in Pinyin Joe's website, I found this great tool called CantoInput by John Burket (

Three things I like about this little app:
1) It is a java application so it will run on any OS
2) Allows both Cantonese and Mandarin (Pinyin) input - including those Cantonese characters like 啲, 嘢 etc.
3) Simple to use
4) It is FREE!

If you do Chinese typing occasionally, you will probably like this app :)

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